I mentioned on the Mission Blog a little about our P-Day in Ieper, Belgium with the some of the missionaries from the Antwerpen Zone. It really was a remarkable day. President's Grandfather Christensen was part of the "Lost Battalion" during WWI. That battle took place in France. However, the opportunity to visit sites of WWI was meaningful and important to us. Here are the pictures of the day.
A part of the group at a WWI Cemetery in the city of Ieper.
It was beautiful and peaceful here by the canal.
Group Photo
Sister Hinchcliff, Sister Robinson, President Robinson, Elder Van Rij, Elder Ombach, Elder Praag, Elder Klippel, Elder Huff with the Book of Mormon held high, Elder Moscon in the shadow, Elder Stoddard, Elder Farmer, Elder Mathis, Elder Merrill, and Sister Jones. Kneeling is one of our tour guides, a member of the Kortrijd Branch.

President outside the wall of Ieper.
Joined by Elder Huff and his Mighty Dutch Boek van Mormon!
Group photo with President and...the Boek Van Mormon!
Centrum Ieper
Behind President and to the left is what is known as the "Cat Tower".
The public buildings were all destroyed in WWI, however, because the blueprints to all public buildings has been move to a location outside of the city, the blueprints were not damaged and everything could be rebuild as it originally was prior to the war. There are a few touches that are not original however.
I love the old Flanders Dutch buildings.
The rest are from the various cites we visit outside the city of Ieper.
Trenches on Hill 62 where the British held out against the Germans.
Original shell blast craters.
The trenches with Elders walking the length.
More shell blast craters.
The other end of the trenches.
Original blasted tree stump from WWI.
Perhaps you have heard of the story during WWI when, at Christmastime, the soldiers heard the singing of 'Silent Night' by the enemy and began singing also. This resulted in both sides coming out of the trench into what was called "no man's land" to spend Christmas. They actually spent several days between Christmas and New Years. They talked, played football, buried their dead. All against the General's command. Eventually, they went back into the trenches to begin the battle again. Well, this site is about a mile from where that incident actually took place by Ieper.
Our last visit was to the British Cemetery. It was raining by then with President under the red umbrella, me under my gray coat. President Willims helping me out with his umbrella.
Thank you President Willims for a memorable day.
Perhaps you have heard of the story during WWI when, at Christmastime, the soldiers heard the singing of 'Silent Night' by the enemy and began singing also. This resulted in both sides coming out of the trench into what was called "no man's land" to spend Christmas. They actually spent several days between Christmas and New Years. They talked, played football, buried their dead. All against the General's command. Eventually, they went back into the trenches to begin the battle again. Well, this site is about a mile from where that incident actually took place by Ieper.
Our last visit was to the British Cemetery. It was raining by then with President under the red umbrella, me under my gray coat. President Willims helping me out with his umbrella.
Thank you President Willims for a memorable day.
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