
What I See Every Night

Alden and I have walked in the evenings almost our entire married life.
Living in Flowell, we walked down past the corrals, the stack yard, a dairy and a past a few of our neighbors, Allens, Woods, Allens and Whitakers.  On the other side of the road was Wardle's corn field (hay now).  Alden always worried that Wardle's corn looked better and taller than ours.  :)

Here in Netherlands, most evenings we walk along the canal.  Here is what we see when we walk or bike now.

 We walk past this windmill.  It is on the canal and was built to saw lumber.
We stopped with our new Elders to get a 'first' picture with a windmill to send to their families.

There are boat going up and down the canal every day.  There are people fishing, swimming and picnicking on warm, sunny days along the bank.  These canals go for miles through farm lands and cities and towns.

There have been a couple of warms evening when the water was like glass--good water skiing water.  OOOOHHH!  

We love our evening outings.

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